
img_6983    Hey there, and welcome to my blog. This blog is a collection of academic and personal experiences I have gone through while attending college. I would like to invite you on a journey that will take you through the crazy, exciting moments of my life, as well as, the low moments that have reshaped who I am and the life that I am living.

As Tom Preston-Werner once said “when I’m old and dying, I plan to look back on my life and say “wow that was an adventure” not “wow, I sure felt safe”.

I currently attend Central Michigan University pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in political science, and public and nonprofit administration (double major), with a double minor in leadership and sustainable environmental policy. I grew up in the city of Taylor a suburb of Detroit with about 70,000 residents. Taylor taught me many lessons and paved my path to success through its grit and resilience. I attended and graduated from John F. Kennedy High School, with about 300 classmates. While attending Kennedy High School, I was taught the valuable lessons of hard work and discipline. Through the opportunities that the school produced and through self-created opportunities, I was able to sustain a healthy post-secondary school education. This success though is in no part just because of an individual work ethic. Along my early journey, I was lucky to have the support and love of my two siblings, my mother, and my father.

So, as you may now know a little more information about the foundation that built me let’s see where college will take me and who I will become!