Current Leader Reflection

01leonhardt-newsletter-master768“we are all dreamers.” in this blog post we are supposed to write about a current leader in todays world and about how they have impacted you. In this blog post I will not talk about a current leader but about a group of current leaders who are the Dreamers. In this blog post I will talk about the resilience they have, the courage, and the passion they conceal within their lives.

this past year President Trump repealed the executive order known as the DACA act which protected over 800,000 undocumented children in the United States so they could live here with there families, work and support the economy and have protection until the process of becoming a legal citizen is completed. This was very controversial in the sense that he demanded congress to pass legislation if they want to keep them protected, but in recent months President Trump has stated he will not sign any legislation unless he is given the funding for the Mexico Boarder wall. This is where the Dreamers come in. Dreamers are those individuals who are protected under the DACA act and since the repeal of their protection they have protested and demanded President Trump and Congress to reinstate the executive order so they don’t get sent back to Mexico.

What makes the Dreamers Leaders is that no matter what opposition they face or hardship they continue to fight for their cause and fight for what many believe is wrong doing by the government. A leader is an individual who can stand up with odds against them and speak their voice, can say what others cannot, and can put words into action. Dreamers all of these things and more and that’s why they are the current leaders in todays world that I look up to. Others and I look up to Dreamers because they have passion and love for their livelihoods and love and passion for their home the United States and they will not let someone take that away. this commitment speaks to many individuals including myself.

DACA is something that was put into place under the right intentions. For the President to repeal it was inhuman and cruel to not just the dreamers but to the American people who are friends, relatives, and coworkers with these individuals. Dreamers are the people who want nothing but good for themselves and the country and they have protested that simple statement because America is there home and they have inspired me and others to help them fight to keep it that way.

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